Bi-Weekly Payroll Calendar

Hourly Temporary Employees and all Student Employees (both hourly and flat rate) are paid on a bi-weekly cycle. The Bi-Weekly Payroll Calendar shows the start and end of each bi-weekly work period and the corresponding pay date.

The Bi-Weekly Payroll Calendar also shows the cut-off deadline for submission of hourly employees Web Time Entry (WTE) time sheets and the cut-off deadline for supervisor approvals.

The time sheet submission deadline for employees is midnight on the last day of the bi-weekly pay period. The approval deadline for supervisors is 5 PM on the Tuesday after the bi-weekly pay period has closed. Note: online time sheet entry due dates and cut-offs may be adjusted for holidays (please consult the calendar).

Hourly employees must open and submit their online time sheets prior to midnight on the final day of the work period. Otherwise, they will be locked out and will have to submit a “late” paper time sheet in order to receive payment.

Tip: Set up a “tickler” in Google calendar to remind you of important deadlines!

Setting up a Google calendar reminder

The Payroll Office advises that each hourly employee and their supervisors create a “tickler” on their Google calendar so that they automatically receive an email every other week reminding them of payroll deadlines.

For example, if you want an email prompt to remind you to submit your time sheet to your supervisor every other Monday, follow these procedures:

  1. When in Google Mail, click on ‘Calendar’
  2. Click on the first day & time you want the email to show up
  3. In the ‘Add title’ box, type in Submit time sheet (or Approve time sheets)
  4. Click on ‘More Options’
  5. Click on the ‘Does not repeat’ dropdown menu and select: Custom > Repeat every 2 weeks
  6. Click on ‘Done’
  7. Click on ‘Save’